Twitter viral can be best described as that incessant flow of tweets in reaction to a particular event. The event can be anything but the reaction happens almost in a specified pattern. Firstly there should be a trigger which would initiate the viral. Next the influencers that is the people who can inspire large networks of people should be inspired themselves with the trigger. Once that happens the small pockets of action starts combining with each other.
The tweets are identified with the hash tags, that is the classifiers which sorts out the tweets from the ocean of randomness. Though in some cases hash tags are not needed as emotions are enough to classify the tweets from others. But that is an exception. Once the process rolls in, you have people talking about the same thing and information flow is at its height leaving aside of course the repetition, that is the retweets. Add to this the spam tweets which would just use the hash tags to promote something very different from what is being talked about. Further there would be opposition to the thought being propagated through the tweets. Nevertheless the criticism adds to the viral effect.
Now that the viral is on, there can be major turning points on Twitter which can cause an affect in the real world as well. The social behavior has a tendency to balloon out and float somewhere in the real world periphery but yes it has to pass the acid test there. It can burst like a bubble or change somethings out there. It all depends how relevant is the viral to the real world.
The downside of the whole viral process is that sometimes it gets wayward. The small issues have the chances of blown out of proportion. But at the same time the positive factors are there which prompts the companies and brands to wish for a viral for their products and services.
In conclusion it can be said, you cannot make the viral happen, it just happens on its own if there are the right ingredients like hard hitting information, controversy, amazing offer, anything which can capture the imagination of the people. The main feature is spontaneity and it cannot be planned or rehearsed. First a buzz or a noise should be there, if the momentum picks up it can spiral into a viral.